Madras Agricultural Journal
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September(7-9) 2023

Impact of KVK Interventions in Enhancing Knowledge Level of Pulse Growers on Yield Maximizing Technologies in Tiruchirappalli District of Tamil Nadu


                                In India, Pulses are considered as poor man’s protein. Pulses contain higher levels of protein compared to any other grains and vegetables. The net availability of pulses has come down from 60 gm/day/person in 1951 to 53 gm/day/person in 2017. Therefore, the present study was attempted to assess the knowledge level of farmers in Tiruchirappalli district with regard to yield maximising pulse technologies which in turn enhance the production and productivity of pulses. A total of 200 farmers @ 50 farmers per category of pulse crop were surveyed for the study using simple random sampling technique and purposive sampling. Percentage analysis and knowledge gap index was used to compute the data. It is clearly evident that through KVK interventions like Trainings have resulted in a horizontal spread of 108 ha area under various pulses cultivation followed by farmer participatory seed production through NFSM seed hub (92 ha) and On Farm Trials, Frontline demonstrations and Field days (76 ha). The pulse growing farmers gained knowledge on recommended TNAU newly released short duration, drought tolerant varieties of red gram (CO (Rg) 7), green gram (CO (Gg) 8), black gram (VBN 6, VBN 8 & MDU 1) and horse gram (Paiyur 2) varieties, seed rate, seed treatment with bio fertilizers, mechanized sowing behind seed drill, pre and post emergence application of weedicides, TNAU pulse wonder foliar spray, DAP foliar spray and seed treatment for storage through various KVK interventions. There existed a medium knowledge gap index irrespective of pulses grown among the farmers of Tiruchirappalli district of Tamil Nadu mainly due to interventions of KVK like OFT, FLDs, CFLDs, trainings and mass awareness programmes. There is a need to enhance the knowledge of pulse growers on pest and disease management practices and other yield maximising technologies, through joint efforts with State Department of Agriculture, NGOs and through FPO linkages.

Key words : On farm trials; Frontline demonstrations; Farmer participatory seed production; Trainings; Knowledge gain; Knowledge gap index, Yield maximising technologies


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