Madras Agricultural Journal
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June(4-6) 2023

Awareness and Adoption of Blockchain Technology Among the Members of Kazhani Farmer Producer Company in Erode District of Tamil Nadu


                                Blockchain technology (BCT) application in agriculture can bring a win-win situation in agriculture which aids in the security of transactions and information in both forward and backward linkages in the agricultural supply chain. Furthermore, blockchain platform benefits producers by enhancing their reputation and increasing farm profit. The present study is an endeavor to explore the benefits of blockchain technology adoption among members of Kazhani Farmer Producer Company (KFPC) in Erode district of Tamil Nadu. Based on a simple random sampling method, primary data were collected from 120 members (BCT adopters) of Kazhani FPC. Percentage analysis was used to analyze the demographic characteristic features of sample respondents. The results showed that respondents were satisfied with technology adoption and they gain higher prices for their produce through blockchain technology adoption, earned price satisfaction, gained new knowledge,and had an opportunity to connect with a new network for marketing their farm produce.

Key words : Blockchain technology; Awareness; Adoption; Agriculture; Benefits


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