June(4-6) 2023
Influence of Media and Sowing Condition on Field Emergence of Palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer L.)
Studies were carried out to find the influence of media and sowing conditions on the field emergence of Palmyrah seeds. The seeds were sown in a sunken nursery bed, raised nursery bed, and direct sowing to observe field emergence. The experiment was conducted in a Randomized Block Design with eight replications of 50 seeds sown in each treatment. The observations were recorded at monthly intervals up to 24 months after sowing. The results revealed that Palmyrah seeds sown in a raised bed containing red earth, sand and farmyard manure 2:1:1 ratio recorded the highest field emergence of 78.67 % followed by seeds sown in sand and field conditions. This study concluded that Palmyrah seeds sown in raised bed containing red earth, sand and farmyard manure 2:1:1 ratio used for sowing/multiplication purpose.
Key words :
Palmyrah nursery; Media; Sowing condition; Field emergence; Seedling growth