Madras Agricultural Journal
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September(7-9) 2020

Field Evaluation of Thiamethoxam 25 WG Against Sucking Pests in Okra


                                Two field experiments were conducted to test the efficacy of different dosesof thiamethoxam against okra sucking pests viz., Aphids, Aphis gossypii;leaf hopper, Amrasca biguttela biguttela, and whitefly, Bemisia tabaci andtheir predators in okra agroecosystem. Thiamethoxam 25% WG 25 g a.i./ha(84.71-91.73, 94.12 - 98.11% reduction over control) was highly effectiveagainst aphid, whitefly and leaf hoppers which was on par with 50 g a.i./ha (64.28 - 76.90, 83.70 – 87.92% reduction over control) and 75 g a.i./ha (73.48 - 81.26 and 85.26-92.42% reduction over control) after first andsecond spray, respectively. This was further followed by standard checkthiamethoxam 25% WG @ 25 g a.i./ha (Willoxam®). The plots treated withThiamethoxam 25% WG @ 25, 50 and 75 g a.i. /ha recorded the maximumpopulation of Coccinella spp recorded (4.22-5.10 and 4.33-6.21 nos.) afterfirst and second spray. Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 75 g a.i./ha treated plotrecorded the maximum yield (8100 kg/ha-1) followed by thiamethoxam25%WG @ 25 and 50 g a.i./ha (7345 and 7690.5 kg/ha-1).

Key words : Thiamethoxam; Bioefficacy; Sucking pests; Natural enemies; Phytotoxicity


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