Madras Agricultural Journal
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December(10-12) 2022

Factors Driving Decision Making on Soil Nutrient Management Practices Followed by Farmers of Karaikal Region of Puducherry U.T


                                Soil nutrient management plays an important role in maintainingsustainable soil health for the future generation. The state or innate abilityof the soil to provide nutrients to plants in sufficient quantities and the rightproportions is known as soil fertility. Sustainable Soil fertility wasmaintained by following proper nutrient management by following four R’ssuch as the Right quantity of fertilizers at the Right time with the Rightsource and the Right placement. The prime first step toward sustainablefarming is using an optimal amount of fertilizers as well as following thecropping pattern as per the scientific recommendation. The multinomiallogit model was used to predict a nominal dependent variable in this study(SPSS version 28). In the outcome of the model, it can be observed thatage, education, livestock, family size, cultivated area, distance to fertilitymaterial sources, level of soil fertility severity of soil nutrient depletion,tenure, recommended dose, residual effect and soil conservationmeasures are significantly contributing meaningfully to the model. Genderand awareness of soil fertilizer pollution show a negative effect on thechoice of soil fertility management choices. If the farmers in the study areause integrated soil nutrient or fertility management compared with othernutrient management choices, sustainable use and management ofagricultural land will be promoted. Using Soil Health Card promotesbalanced use of nutrient sources by avoiding dumping or reducing theusage of fertility or nutrient sources.

Key words : Multinomial Logit; Soil Health Card; Fertilizer Use; Soil Fertility Management Practices; Decision Making;


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