Madras Agricultural Journal
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December(10-12) 2021

Performance of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L) Germplasm for Shoot and Fruit Borer Infestation and Marketable Yield


                                The present field experiment was aimed to evaluate the tolerance level toshoot, fruit borer infestation, and yield traits with 174 brinjal accessions atthe University orchard, Department of Vegetable crops, Horticultural Collegeand Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.Among the evaluated accessions, the Acc- EC 490062, Acc - EC 144139-Dand Acc - IC 344646 were identified as the best performers as they showedfavorable effects for earliness to flowering and harvest, number of fruitsper plant and yield. In addition, they recorded the lowest level of shoot andfruit borer infestation with a high marketable yield. The least incidence ofshoot borer (13.97 %) was registered in the accession EC 144139-D, EC490062 (14.35 %), followed by the accession IC 344646 (15.74 %). Whereasthe minimum infestation of fruit borer was recorded by the accessions EC490062 (13.18 %), EC 144139-D (13.52 %), and IC 344646 (13.67 %). Themaximum marketable yield per plant (3.46 kg) was registered by the Acc -EC 490062 followed by Acc - EC 144139-D (3.80 kg) and Acc- IC 344646(3.64 kg). The genotypes acknowledged in the current investigation canbe explored as parents in future crop improvement programmes of brinjal.

Key words : Brinjal Accessions; Plant Traits; Earliness; Fruit Traits; Shoot and Fruit Borer Infestations; Marketable Yield


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