December(10-12) 2021
Study on Marketing Behavior of ‘Uzhavar Sandhai ’ Vegetable Farmers During Covid 19 in Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu
During the Covid 19 disaster and lockdown imposed by the Government,farmers found it difficult to harvest, transport, and market their farm produceand sell at competitive prices. Vegetables being highly perishable requiredimmediate marketing. ‘Uzhavar ‘Sandhai’ (Farmer’s market) was one of themain channels for selling fresh vegetables directly to consumers. The presentstudy was conducted to understand the marketing behaviour of vegetablefarmers and identify the major constraints faced in marketing their farmproduce during Covid 19 in two Uzhavar Sandhai in Coimbatore district ofTamil Nadu. A sample of 50 sellers was selected based on simple randomsampling method. The results revealed medium level of overall marketingbehavior among vegetable farmers in ‘Uzhavar ‘Sandhai’ during Covid 19pandemic situation. The lack of transportation facilities and non-availabilityof buyers visiting the Sandhai were the significant constraints faced byvegetable farmers. The study also found the need for grading-based fixedprices for the vegetables sold in ‘Uzhavar Sandhai’.
Key words :
Covid; Uzhavar Sandhai; Marketing behavior; Vegetables