An experiment was conducted to characterize 31 pearl millet genotypeswith 28 morphological traits using DUS descriptors at the Department ofMillets, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, during Kharif 2019.The landrace Kizikuppam local was found to have a very long leaf lengthand a medium leaf width, indicating a high leaf area index, an importantphysiological trait that could be employed in future breeding programmes.The genotypes PT 6067, PT 6707, PT 6710, Cumbu 1, Uthangarai localand Shoolagiri local had compact panicle, an important ordinal trait foryield improvement. Small, yellow-brown color and elliptical shaped seedswere noted in Kuttu Cumbu 1, Kuttu Cumbu 2, Kuttu Cumbu 3, and PothuCumbu, which could be used to promote the variation in the base population.The early flowering nature of these genotypes might incorporate droughtresistance. Agglomerative hierarchical cluster (AHC) analysis showed PT6582, Kizikuppam local, Uthangarai local, and Dhanashakti were placedunder cluster VI with maximum cluster mean for single plant yield. Superiorclassification of these genotypes for plant growth habit, leaf sheath length,leaf blade length, leaf blade width, panicle exertion, panicle length, paniclegirth, number of productive tillers, plant height, panicle density and thousandseed weight indicated the importance of these ordinal traits in yieldimprovement by using the genotypes of this cluster. The Shannon-Wienerindex was high for the time of spike emergence, thousand seed weight, leafblade length, panicle shape, panicle density and seed color.
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