Madras Agricultural Journal
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December(10-12) 2021

Trend and Seasonality Analysis in Prices and Arrivals of Selected Agricultural Commodities in India


                                The study was conducted to find the fluctuation in the prices and arrival ofthe selected high value agricultural commodities. The study was conductedfor the period 2004-2020 by collecting secondary data from CMIE (Centre forMonitoring Indian Economy) database. The major agricultural commoditieswere selected purposively on the basis of high price fluctuatiion and arrivalsin the market. The commodities selected for the study include, castor seed,coriander, jeera, soybean and turmeric. The results of the study showedthat there is a positive and significant relationship between growth rate andthe prices of selected commodities with Jeera showing the highest growthrate of (9.87%) in arrival followed by turmeric (9.05%) and the lowest incoriander (5.06%) as against the prices where it showed all together witha different scenario with highest in case of coriander (7.55%) followed bysoybean (7.24%) and lowest in jeera with (5.69%) respectively. The resultsof the findings revealed that in all the commodities high seasonal indiceswere observed from March to June indicating high post-harvest arrivalsduring these months. In the case of soybean and turmeric, the seasonalindex for prices is high in April to September, which reveals that there is alack of storage facilities and the production during these months is very low.This study suggested improvement in the infrastructure, storage, and postharvesttechniques so that the arrivals of these commodities get increasedand availability should be throughout the year so that the price fluctuationcan be minimized.

Key words : Seasonal indices, Commodities; Growth rate; Arrivals; CMIE database


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