Author:Darshan Y , Ramakrishnan K, Pushpa J , Prabakaran K Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY) is a crop-based insurance policydesigned to help farmers who have suffered crop loss or damage. Duringthe year 2020-21, a research conducted in the Tumkur district of Karnatakathe showed the highest number of insurance units (895) compared to otherdistricts of the Karnataka . The findings of the study revealed that the majorityof the beneficiaries (52.50 %) had a medium knowledge level about PradhanMantri Fasal Bima Yojana. The study’s findings underline the importance ofprofile characteristics namely education, landholding, material possession,extension agency contact, source of information, innovativeness, trainingattended, economic motivation and mass media exposure that had apositively significant relationship at one per cent level of probability. Whereasvariables such as annual income and social participation had a positivelysignificant relationship at five per cent level of probability with beneficiaries’level of knowledge. On the other hand, Crop loan availability and disasteroccurrence pattern had no significant relationship with the knowledge levelof the beneficiaries about Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana.
Key words : knowledge; Pradhan Mantra Fasal Bima Yojana; crop insurance
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