Author:Jayasudha J, Shantha Sheela M , Venkatesa Palanichamy N’s success is measured by their ability to succeed as anentrepreneur. Everyone recognizes and categorizes successful entrepreneursbased on their achievements. The present study aimed to assess the level ofsuccess of agripreneurs from the agri business incubations of Coimbatoreand Madurai. These business incubations were selected purposively becausethey had been established earlier compared to the other six incubators inTamil Nadu. The samples were selected by Proportionate random samplingtechnique. The different dimensions of business success include financial,employment, customer, lifestyle and social responsibility dimension.The studyhas concluded that the majority of respondents had medium level of successin business and also found that financial dimension includes profitability,sales turnover, sales growth, market share, debt level, business growth,return on investment, industrial relations and business image determines thesuccess of the business. The findings of the study suggest that supportingthe agripreneurs through financial assistance will lead to the success ofagripreneurs.
Key words : Business success; Agripreneurs; Entrepreneurship; Financial dimensions
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