Madras Agricultural Journal
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June(4-6) 2021

Effect of Zinc Fertilization on Physiological Parameters, Nutrient Uptake, Yield and Economics of Babycorn


                                A field experiment was conducted during late Kharif (September-November)of the year 2018 at Eastern Block Farm, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,Coimbatore to find out the effect of agronomic bio-fortification with zinc onphysiological parameters, nutrient uptake, yield and economics of babycornunder irrigated condition. The field experiment was laid in randomizedcomplete block design with three replications. The treatments comprised ofT1: No zinc (control), T2: Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) at 25 kgha-1 as soil application,T3: ZnSO4 at 37.5 kgha-1 as soil application, T4: Foliar spray of ZnSO4 at 0.5%on 20 and 40 DAS, T5: Foliar spray of ZnSO4 at 1.0% on 20 and 40 DAS,T6: ZnSO4 at 25 kgha-1 as soil application + foliar spray at 0.5% on 20 and40 DAS, T7: ZnSO4 at 25 kgha-1 as soil application + foliar spray at 1.0% on20 and 40 DAS,T8: ZnSO4 at 37.5 kgha-1 as soil application + foliar sprayat 0.5% on 20 and 40 DAS,T9: ZnSO4 at 37.5 kgha-1 as soil application +foliar spray at 1.0% on 20 and 40 DAS. Babycorn hybrid G-5414 was usedto experiment with a plant spacing of 45 cm x 25 cm. The results showedthat the combined application of zinc sulphate @ 37.5 kgha-1 with 0.5%foliar spray at 20 and 40 DAS recorded significantly higher Crop GrowthRate (CGR) (31.07, 30.83) gcm-2day-1, Relative Growth Rate (RGR) (110.25,31.67) mgg-1day-1 and Net Assimilation Rate (NAR) (9.65, 4.54) mgcm-2day-1at 25-45 DAS and 45 DAS - harvest intervals respectively. NPK uptake wasrecorded higher in (T8) and green cob yield was recorded higher in (T9) atharvest stage. Green fodder yield and higher benefit cost ratio was obtainedhigher with soil application of zinc sulphate @ 37.5 kgha-1 with 0.5% foliarspray at 20 and 40 DAS.

Key words : Babycorn; G 5414; Crop growth rate and Total zinc uptake


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