Author:Siva sakthi T, Meenakshi V, Kanchana S, Vellaikumar S effects of different processing methods like blanching,soaking, roasting and germination methods on nutritional composition andantinutritional factors in peanut milk were investigated. Local and CO 6peanut varieties were selected for peanut milk preparation and subjectedto different processing methods. Peanut milk was extracted from fresh(control), blanched (2 mins), soaked (3 hrs), roasted (roasting 5 mins followedby soaking 3 hrs) and germinated (8 hrs) peanuts. Peanuts were washed,ground, slurry separated, filtered, homogenized, double pasteurized andstored. Different processing methods influenced the nutritional compositionof local and CO 6 variety peanut milk. The nutritional composition like totalsolids, protein, fat, calcium and iron content of the different processed peanutmilk were analyzed. The total solid content of the peanut milk does notchange in soaking (13.98 and 15 g/ 100 mL), germination method (13.99and 15.26 g/100 mL), less reduction in roasting method (13.96 and 15.20g/ 100 mL), more significant reduction in blanching method (12.36 and13.97 g/ 100 mL) in local and CO 6 variety of peanut milk respectively wererecorded. Protein content was increased in germination ((6.1 and 6.4 g/ 100mL), soaking (6.0 and 6.3 g / 100 mL), roasting method (5.6 and 5.8 g /100 mL) and reduction in blanching method (4.1 and 5.0 g / 100 mL) inlocal and CO 6 variety peanut milk respectively. Fat content was significantlyreduced in control (3.82 and 3.54 g / 100 mL), blanching method (3.63and 3.32 g / 100 mL), soaking method ( 3.80 and 3.55 g/ 100 mL) andgermination method (3.60 and 3.50 g/ 100 mL) in local and CO 6 varietypeanut milk. Calcium and iron content was greatly reduced in blanching andlesser reduction in roasting method. Antinutritional factors like phytic acid,tannin, trypsin inhibitor, oxalate and phenol was greatly reduced in roastingand germination methods. It was observed that the nutritional propertieswere highly conserved and the antinutritional factor was greatly reducedin the roasting method.
Key words : Peanut milk; CO 6 variety; Nutritional composition; Antinutritional Factors
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