Madras Agricultural Journal
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March(1-3) 2021

Attitude of agricultural students towards agricultural entrepreneurship


                                Entrepreneurs are people who realize new opportunities and channelizeeffort in the proper direction. Now a days the employment opportunitiesfor agricultural professionals in the public sector are shrinking. Risingunemployment among agricultural graduates and market forces madeentrepreneurship a best career for the students. To create self-employmentopportunities for unemployed agricultural graduates, entrepreneurship iswidely regarded as an integral player. Career aspirations and opportunitiesfor agriculture students are usually with in private and public sector jobs.Initiation to become an entrepreneur or to start up agri business among thestudent community is rare. Inspite of the blooming opportunities available inagri entrepreneurship sector, students may be reluctant to start agri venturesdue to some constraints or hesitations. Thus, this study was carried outprimarily to understand the attitude of students towards agripreneurship andfactors affecting the motivation of students to become an agripreneur amongthe final year students of B.Sc (Agri) in Tamil Nadu Agricultural UniversityCoimbatore campus. This study showed that majority of the students had afavorable attitude towards agricultural entrepreneurship.

Key words : Agripreneurs ; Opportunities; Attitude; Employment


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