December(10-12) 2020
Influence of Different Organic Manures on Growth, Yield Components and Productivity of Cotton
Author:Subramanian E, Sathishkumar A, Rajesh P
The present study aimed to the effect of different organic manures onthe growth and yield attributes of cotton by conducting field experimentsduring rice fallow season of 2013-14 and 2014-15 at the Tamil Nadu RiceResearch Institute, Aduthurai.. The cotton growth parameters such as plantheight, leaf area index, dry matter production and monopodial branchesplant-1 were significantly influenced by the application of 100% recommendeddose of fertilizer through vermicompost (on equal N basis). Also applicationof recommended dose of fertilizer through vermicompost (on equal N basis)recorded significantly higher yield attributes viz., sympodial branches plant-1,number of bolls plant-1, boll weight and seed cotton yield (17.4 and 18.6 q ha-1during both the years, respectively). Economic analysis also indicated that Insituvermicomposting produced higher net returns with higher B:C ratio.
Key words : Organic manures; Vermicompost; Growth attributes; Seed cotton yield; Economics