Madras Agricultural Journal
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Potential of Native Predators, Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Esben-Petersen) and Cryptolaemus montrouzieri (Mulsant) on Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara de Willink)


                                Predatory potential of Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Esben-Petersen) and Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant on Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara de Willink) infesting papaya was studied in the laboratory. Grubs of C. zastrowi sillemi required 6.4 ovisacs, 463.6 nymphs and 72.0 adults of P. marginatus to complete their life stages. The first instar chrysopid grub consumed 1.4 ovisacs, 85.0 nymphs and 13.2 adults of P. marginatus. Among instars of chrysopid the second and third instars were voracious and consumed 1.8 ovisacs, 142.4 nymphs and 23.4 adults and 3.2 ovisacs, 236.2 nymphs and 35.4 adults of P. marginatus, respectively. Grubs of C. montrouzieri required a total number of 8.4 ovisacs, 164.2 nymphs and 66.8 adults of P. marginatus to complete their life stages. Among instars of the coccinellid predator, the third and fourth instars were voracious and consumed 2.6 ovisacs, 47.2 nymphs and 24.8 adults and 2.8 ovisacs, 71.6 nymphs and 28.8 adults of P. marginatus, respectively. Adults of C. montrouzieri consumed 5.6 ovisacs, 105.4 nymphs and 36.4 adults of P. marginatus. So C. zastrowi sillemi and C. montrouzieri can be effectively employed as candidate predatory insects in the management of papaya mealybug.

Key words : Predatory potential, Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, Paracoccus marginatus, papaya.


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