Madras Agricultural Journal
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Occurrence of Insects in Stored Cocoa Beans in Tamil Nadu


                                Investigations were carried out on insects associated with stored cocoa beans in private godowns at Sennakallpalyam, Dharapuram in Tamil Nadu, India during 2010-2011. The tools used were normal sieve sample, UV light trap, pheromone trap and stack probe trap. The survey indicates the presence of 10 insect species namely ; Lasioderma serricorne (F.), Tribolium castaneum (Herbst.), Araecerus fasciculatus (De Geer), Prostephanus truncates (Horn), Carpophilus sp. (Erichson) Ephestia sp. (Walker), Hypothenemus sp. (Ferrari), Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) Liposcelis sp. and Plodia interpunctella (Hubner). These physical method helps for early detection and management of stored grain pest effectively.

Key words : Normal sieve sampler, TNAU probe trap and UV light trap, Stored Pests of Cocoa


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