Madras Agricultural Journal
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Performance of New Herbicides on Productivity and Profitability of Aerobic Rice


                                Field experiment was conducted at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai during Rabi 2010-2011 to study the performance of new herbicides on productivity and profitability of aerobic rice with twelve treatments in randomized block design. In this study, post-emergence mixture of fenoxaprop + (chlorimuron + metsulfuron) on 30 DAS provided a broad spectrum of weed control by significantly reducing weed density and dry weight at 60 DAS and resulted in significantly higher weed control efficiency. Post-emergence mixture of fenoxaprop + ethoxysulfuron on 30 DAS recorded significantly higher grain yield and straw yield. The economic evaluation of results indicated that post emergence mixture of fenoxaprop + ethoxysulfuron on 30 DAS registered higher gross return (Rs. 50915 ha -1 ), net return (Rs. 28281 ha -1 ) and B:C ratio (2.25).

Key words : Aerobic rice, weed density, dry weight, WCE, yield and economics


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