Author:K. Kanaka Durga
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:99, Issue:apr-jun
DOI: on age of seedlings and spacing schedule adopted under SRI were taken up at Seed Research and Technology Center, Rajendranagar during Kharif, 2008 using popular rice cultivar, Swarna (MTU 7029). The results indicated that yield components, yield and seed quality parameters differed significantly due to age of seedlings and spacing schedule. Twelve days old seedlings planted at 30 x 30 cm spacing recorded significantly higher number of productive tillers plant -1 (26.7). Seed yield ha -1 was significantly higher with 14 days aged seedlings (61.08 q ha -1 ). The seed yield ha-1 increased by 52.43% over 12 days aged seedlings followed by 16 days (25.11%) and 27 days (21.44%) old seedlings. Treatment combination of 14 days aged seedlings planted at 20 x 20 cm spacing recorded maximum yield of 64.70 q/ha followed by the same aged seedlings at 30 x 30 spacing (60.55 q/ha). Twelve days old seedlings planted at 30 x 30 cm recorded high establishment of 100%, more vigorous with respect to seedling length (26.12 cm) and seedling vigour index I (2612).
Key words : SRI paddy, yield components, yield and seed quality
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