Madras Agricultural Journal
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Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology of Cauvery Basin


                                A study was taken up to assess the hydrological response of Cauvery basin, India under current and future climatic conditions using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Future climate predictions indicated the increase in rainfall ranged between 7 and 21 per cent towards mid century (2040 -2069) while this that increase was projected to be between 10 and 33per cent in end century (2070-2099) compared to baseline (1971-2005). In the mid century, the predicted increase in annual Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) varyed from 3 to 4.5 per cent whereas it is 8.4 to 9.3 per cent for end century scenario. Annual water yield is expected to increase by 14 to 21 per cent during mid century and is projected to increase further by 20 to 27 per cent towards end century. The annual soil water storage was also predicted to increase by 5 to 14 per cent and 7 to 18 per cent in the mid and end century respectively.

Key words : Climate change, hydrology, SWAT, Cauvery basin


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