Author:Umesh Singh , Lal J P and Kumar H
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:100, Issue:oct-dec
DOI: of fertility restoration in six crosses involving three CMS lines (NMS 4A, IR 58025A and PMS 10A) with their two restorers (NDR 80 and NDR 359) was studied during Kharif 2007 at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. Fertility evaluation of the plants in the F2 population revealed the presence of two dominant genes with independent segregation in the ratio 9 3 3 1 controlling the fertility restoration. The observed x2 values in each case were insignificant. The segregation in F2 and backcross based two dominant genes in all the cases showed good fitness to 9 3 3 1 and 1 1 1 1 segregation, respectively. This indicated that both the restorer lines, NDR 80 and NDR 359 each carried the two independent segregating dominant genes showing additive effects for restoring fertility of the CMS lines.
Key words : Restorer, Hybrid rice, Genetic restorer, CMS Lines
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