Madras Agricultural Journal
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Gain in Knowledge of Member Farmers Through “Chokhi- Kheti” Farm News Letter


                                The study was conducted in three districts of Rajasthan namely Bharatpur, Bikaner and Sawai Madhopur’. Six Panchayat Samities viz Lunkaransar, Bikaner, Kumher, Sewar, Khandar, and Choth Ka Barwara were selected. All the farmers who were members of “Chokhi-Kheti” in these panchayat samities were selected for the study. The findings revealed that less use of illustrations, appropriate use of technical words, appropriate size of letters, fair quality of printing, attractive cover page, less number of pages and up-to-date information were important features of “Chokhi- Kheti” as reported by majority of farmers. The finding also indicated that majority of members gained medium knowledge through “Chokhi-Kheti”. Out of sixteen independent variables, five variables were found non-significantly associated with gain in knowledge these were size of land holding, farm power, irrigation potential, social and extension participation. The other variables viz age, education, mass-media exposure, scientific orientation, risk preference, economic motivation, attitude towards “Chokhi-Kheti”, level of aspiration, annual income, reading behaviour and attitude towards trust worthy information were found to have significantly associated with gain in knowledge of members farmer through the farm news letter “Chokhi- Kheti”.

Key words : Mass Media, Knowledge, News letter, ICT, Independent - variables.


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