Madras Agricultural Journal
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Comparison of Migration, Penetration, Development, Reproduction and Histological Responses of Rice Root Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne graminicola between Susceptible (CO 47) and Moderately Resistant (ADT 45) Rice Varieties


                                Comparison of migration, penetration, development, reproduction of Meloidogyne graminicola and histological responses between susceptible (C0 47) and resistant (ADT 45) rice varieties were made. In susceptible variety, second stage juveniles (J2) readily penetrated into the roots within 24h and developed into adult females in 20th day and started laying eggs on 23rd day. Comparatively fewer J2 penetrated in moderately resistant variety and developed slowly into adult on 28th day. Eggs and J2 of next generation were recorded on 30th and 32nd day after inoculation respectively. In susceptible roots cluster of giant cells and mature females were found in the vascular region in moderately resistant variety even though penetration of juveniles observed inside the root system.

Key words : Histological response; Meloidogyne graminicola; rice varieties.


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