Author:Yadav R D, Dheer Singh and Amit Bhatnagar
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:100, Issue:jul-sep
DOI: experiment was conducted during spring 2009-10 to study the effect of sett size, seed rate and sett treatment on performance of sugarcane. The treatments consisted of three sett size (one, two and three budded), two seed rate (90,000 and 120,000 buds ha-1) and three sett treatment (carbendazim, carbendazim + gibberellic acid and no sett treatment) were tested in factorial RBD with three replications. The results revealed that germination per cent was not affected significantly due to reduction in sett sizes and seed rate but setts treated with carbendazim attained significantly higher germination (39.0%). Two budded setts resulted in significantly more shoot population and dry matter accumulation per shoot. Though plant population under seed rate of 90,000 buds ha-1 was lower, this accumulated significantly more dry matter. Setts treated with carbendazim showed better plant growth. Juice quality remained unaffected due to treatments. Significantly more cane (71.2 t ha-1) and commercial cane sugar (CCS) yield (8.4 t ha-1) was obtained in two budded sett that was at par with three budded sett. Variations in seed rate did not influence cane yield significantly but 120,000 buds ha-1 recorded significantly more CCS. Sett treatment with carbendazim alone resulted in significantly higher cane and CCS yield. Net return was maximum in two budded, setts at a seed rate of 90,000 buds ha-1 and sett treatment with carbendazim.
Key words : Spring sugarcane, sett size, seed rate, sett treatment, profitability
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