Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Long-Term Fertilizer Experimentation on Growth, Yield and Availability of Nutrients in Finger millet in Alfisol soils of Bengaluru


                                Long-term fertilizer experiments (LTFE) provide good opportunity to study the impact of management practices on soil properties and crop productivity. Experiment was conducted in LTFE plots of GKVK Bangalore during Kharif 2010. There was significant decrease in the content of available P, K and S in soil. While P build up in soil over the years was found with the application of fertilizer either at recommended dose or higher dose but the availability of K and S was drastically declined due to the application of fertilizer at 100% NP (T9) and 100% NPK (S-free) (T10). The growth parameters and yield of finger millet were relatively higher under fertilizers that included all the three major nutrients i.e., N, P and K and increased yield was noticed with application of N, P and K at higher dose. The effect of combined use of fertilizers and FYM with or without lime on crop yield was on par with the effect of NPK. The uptake of all the major nutrients by finger millet was in accordance with the yield levels obtained under the treatment. Low levels of nutrients in the soil where reflected in low uptake/low concentrations of the respective nutrients in the plant.

Key words : Finger millet,long term fertilizer experiment, growth and yield.


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