Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of Seed and Crop Management Techniques on Productivity of Maize Hybrid CoH(M) 5


                                Studies were initiated to evaluate the influence of seed priming technique (15 per cent Azospirillum + 15 per cent phosphobacteria, 10 per cent P. fluorescens + 20 per cent humic acid, 15 per cent Azophos + 10 per cent P. fluorescens and hydro priming technique) in conjunction with crop management techniques viz., nutrient supplementation as basal (humic acid @ 10kg ha-1, micronutrient 5kg ha-1) and foliar (diammonium phosphate 2 per cent, humic acid 0.1 per cent, sea weed extract 0.5 per cent) along with NPK application. The results revealed that seeds primed with 20 per cent humic acid + 10 per cent P. fluorescens, applied with humic acid @ 10 kg ha-1 as basal application and sprayed with 0.5% sea weed extract as crop management technique improved the productivity of maize and grain recovery. The contribution of seed management technique was higher than crop management techniques.

Key words : Maize, Priming, Humic Acid, Seaweed Extract, Grain Yield.


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