Madras Agricultural Journal
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Relative Susceptibility of Horse Gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) Accessions to the Attack of Callosobruchus chinensis L. (Fab.) (Coleoptera Bruchidae)


                                A total of 50 horse gram accessions were screened for their relative resistance / susceptibility to Callosobruchus chinensis at Seed Research and Technology Centre, ANGRAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh during the year 2011-12. Based on mean developmental period, Palem-2, Palem-1, AK-21 and NSB-27 were categorized as resistant, NS/05/42 and NSJ/NAIP/ BD-ADB-35-1 were found to be susceptible. On the basis of Howe susceptibility index, Palem-2, KSAS/06/391, Palem-1, AK-21, NSB-27, NSJ/NAIP/140-239 and NDS-259 were categorized as resistant, while NS-74, RJR-94, PSRJ-13089, NS/05/113, NSM-125 and PSRJ-13089-1 were grouped as moderately resistant. NSJ/NAIP/031-130, BAR-231-1, NSJ/NAIP/006-105, PSRJ-13030, NS/05/94 and NS/05/87 were classified as highly susceptible to bruchid infestation.

Key words : Callosobruchus chinensis, horse gram, Howe susceptibility index, mean developmental period


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