Author:Muralitharan V , Manoharan T , Vinothkumar B and Preetha G
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:100, Issue:apr-jun
DOI: were conducted to assess the acute toxicity of new molecular insecticides viz., chlorfenapyr, indoxacarb and profenofos against Diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. The LC50 and LC95 values of chlorfenapyr, indoxacarb (F1 to F15 generation) and profenofos (F1 to F13 generation) decreased from 2.104 to 0.432 and 16.942 to 7.490 ppm, 8.266 to 2.162 and 69.442 to 20.542 ppm and 20.307 to 9.430 and 149.473 to 70.373 ppm, respectively. Considering the susceptible population of DBM, the tentative discriminating doses (DD) by leaf disc method to third instar larvae arrived at were 7.50, 20.54 and 70.37 ppm for chlorfenapyr, indoxacarb and profenofos, respectively.
Key words : Acute toxicity, LC50, Chlorfenapyr, Indoxacarb, Profenofos, diamond back moth
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