Madras Agricultural Journal
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Nutritional Status and Biochemical Analysis of Tukra Infested Mulberry Leaves


                                The pink mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus is the most serious pest of mulberry causing leaf curl (tukra). Different parameters of effective silkworm rearing on Tukra infested leaves, and nutritional parameters were analyzed. The Effective rate of rearing (ERR) was moderate (79.5%), when larvae were fed with Tukra infested leaves from brushing to V instars. Similarly, higher larval weight (27.3 g), cocoon weight (16.9 g), shell weight (3.8 g) and shell ratio (22.4) were obtained when silkworms were reared on Tukra infested leaves. Results of biochemical analysis of Tukra infested leaves showed chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll content were higher (0.8, 0.3 and 1.2 mg) in Tukra infested leaves compared to healthy leaves (0.8, 0.4 and 1.1 mg). Similarly, total protein (77.7 mg), total phenol (34.1 mg) and starch (4.9%) were also higher in Tukra infested leaves than healthy leaves.

Key words : Tukra, Pink mealybug, Biochemical analysis


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