Madras Agricultural Journal
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Biological Effects of Gamma Rays and Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (EMS) in Single and Combination Treatments on Germination and Seedling Growth in Rice (Oryza sativa L. )


                                The study was taken up to find out the effect of Ethyl methane sul- phonate (EMS) and gamma rays alone and in combination treatments in two cultures of paddy viz., V_{1} (selection from a cross between Taichung-65 and S705) and V_{2} (selection from a cross between Taichung-65 and S_{67} ) Seeds were treated with gamma rays (from C * O ^ 60 source) and EMS in single and combination treatments. Four doses of gamma rays-10 Kr, 20 Kr, 30 Kr and 40. Kr and EMS 0.5 per cent aqueous solution for three durations - 4 hr, 6 hr and 8 hr were administered. For EMS treatments the seeds were pre-soaked for 8 hours in distilled water, and treated with freshly prepared 0.5 per cent aqueous EMS solution at 28 deg * C with constant shaking.

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