Madras Agricultural Journal
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Efficacy of New Insecticide Molecules against Cucurbit fly Bactrocera cucurbitae Coq. (Tephritidae Diptera) in Cucumber


                                In field experiment carried out at Entomology section farm, College of Agriculture, Pune-5 (Maharastra, India) spinosad (0.002%) was the most effective for control of fruit fly with the highest yield of marketable fruits in cucumber. It was followed by cartap hydrochloride (0.05%) and NSKE (5%). which were, at par with each other in effectiveness. For maximum net additional returns, spraying of spinosad (0.0025%) was suggested for the control of B.cucurbitae on cucumber.

Key words : Cucumber, Bactrocera cucurbitae, cartap hydrochloride, NSKE, spinosad


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