Madras Agricultural Journal
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Silk gland Tissue Somatic Index and Silk Quality Traits of Bivoltine and Multivoltine Races of Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.


                                An experiment was conducted to assess the silk gland tissue somatic index (SGTSI) of silkworm races and its impact on silk quality parameters. Higher SGTSI of 57.73 per cent was registered in CSR4 among the bivoltine races and 34.24 per cent in AGL3 among multivoltine races studied. SGTSI had positive relationship with the silk gland and silk qualitative traits in different bivoltine and multivoltine silkworm pure races. The denier showed significantly negative correlation with SGTSI.

Key words : Bombyx mori, silk gland, tissue somatic index (SGTSI)


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