Author: ,
p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 11, Issue: mar-mar,
During the month we have beenfavoured with four of the publications of the Madras Agricultural Department,--(1)the administrations Report of the department for 1922-23. 92)the year book for1923.(3)Bulletin Nos. 86 and 87.The outstanding features in the administration report are refrences to (1)the submission of proposals for doing away with the present certificate course at the College and its replcement by "vernacular courses in practical agricultural be given in selected agricultural tracts are districts"and starting a special Intermediate Course for agriculture qualifying those who pass it for the examination.(2)the success of Coimbatore 205 variety of sugarcane in the unirrigated areas of the Panjab,(3)the evolving of two new paddy strains by the Government economic Botanist which give an average increase of 7per cent.(4)the completion of the soil survey of the Periyar tract,(5)the commencement of the survey of the ongole Breeding tract.(6)the closing down of Anamalai and Gudiyatham farms.
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