Author: The Scottish Farmer,
p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 11, Issue: mar-mar,
We do not know who Mr.W.Meakin may be, but what he says in this pamphlet is that farming pays in Denmark and the reason why it pays there is three-fold : -- The Danish farmer is educated as a farmer : he has a land tenure system which gives security to the occopier, so that he is encouraged to do his best: and last.and we would say from the burden of what is written in the pamphlet. he be lives in co-operative methods and practises them. Mr.Meakin admits that some maintain that co-operation in itself would have done little for Danish farmers had not 80per cent of them been occupying owners and not tenants .What is certain is that . could the land of England be cultivated in the intensive fashion which previls in Denmark.the agricultural population of England would be increased by nearly 50 per cent.
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