Madras Agricultural Journal
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Root Growth, Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Medicinal Rice Njavara Under Different Establishment Techniques and Nutrient Sources


                                Field experiments with medicinal rice Njavara were conducted at Cropping Systems Research Centre, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala during summer 2007 and 2008. The experimental design was split plot with three replications. The treatments consisted of four stablishment techniques viz., System of Rice Intensification SRI (M1), Integrated Crop Establishment Method (ICM) (M2), Package of ractices (PoP) (M3) of Kerala Agricultural University and Conventional management practices (CMP) (M4) in main plot. Three nutrient sources viz., ((i) organic, (ii) integrated use of organic and inorganic, (iii) chemical fertilizers only were used under different establishment techniques. Root dry matter production was determined at weekly intervals and plant nutrients uptake was determined separately by calculating from the product of dry matter, straw dry weight, grain yield and percentage of nutrients. The result revealed that at early stages (4-6 WAT/WAS) (Weeks after transplanting/Weeks after sowing), root dry matter production hill-1 was in the order of SRI >ICM > CMP > PoP which changed to SRI > ICM > PoP > CMP from 7th week onwards. Maximum root dry matter (at 9th WAS/WAT) was recorded in SRI (0.51/0.50 g hill-1 in 007/2008). The total nutrients uptake (N, P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn) in conventional management practices was significantly higher than other establishment techniques. Among the nutrient sources, highest total (N, P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn) uptake by crop was recorded under integrated nutrient source than organic and inorganic sources.

Key words : Njavara rice, establishment techniques, nutrient sources, root growth, total nutrient uptake, yield


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