Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Seriwaste Vermi Compost as a Substitute for Inorganics on Growth, Yield and Economics of Hybrid Maize


                                Field experiments were conducted for two years during Kharif 2010 to 2011 at Agricultural Research Station (ARS), TNAU, Bhavanisagar, Tamil Nadu under irrigated eco-system to study the influence of seriwaste vermicompost as a substitute for inorganic fertilizer on productivity and economics of hybrid maize (CoH(M)-5). The experiments were laid out in RBD with three replications. The results indicated that 50% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) + 50% seriwaste vermicompost (2.5 tonnes/ha) registered higher yield attributes and yield with increased net return and BC ratio in hybrid maize. This was closely followed by 25% RDF + 75% seriwaste vermicompost (3.25 tonnes/ha) as compared to either 100% inorganics or organics alone.

Key words : Seri waste, inorganics, yield, economics, nutrient uptake, hybrid maize


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