Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Provincial Board of Agriculture.


"The Council recommends to the Governor in Council that a Board of Agriculture be established for this Province". Such was the resolution that the Hon'ble Dewan Bahadur M. Ramachandra Rao placed before the meeting of the Legeslative Council held on the 5th April 1919. This resolution owes its source to a circular of the Government of India to local Governments, suggesting for their consideration the advisability of inaugurating Provincial Boards of Agriculture to discuss annually on matters agricultural which are of purely local importance, on which the local Government would be more competent to discuss. In making this suggestion, it is stated that the Government of India had in view the possibility of enlisting the co-operation of non-officials like large landholders, representative agriculturists, and others interes- ted in rural development. The objects of such a Board seem to have been to develop agricultural research, to organise agricultural experi- ments and to enlist the co-operation of those interested in Scientific Agriculture. The circular also suggested the advisability of the Agricultural Adviser presiding at the Provincial Board meetings occasionally in view of his wider experience in the development of agriculture.



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