Author: ,
p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 3, Issue: aug-aug,
Manure Society in Tanjore Distriel: Our readers will remem ber that one of our Saidapet diplomates, lai Sabib, A Seturama Aiyer, read a paper at the Agricultural Conference, 1915, on the possibility of putting up machinery on a small scale for crushing bones and phosphatic nodules for use as manure on the soils of Tanjore which, as the Soil Survey of the District indicates, are generally doßcient in phosphoric acid. We are glad to hear that Mr. Sotarama Aiyar erocted & disintegrater to be worked by his 9 H. P. Oil engine already existing in his gardon at Needa- mangalam and also constructed a store ronm cost of Rs. 1500.
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