Madras Agricultural Journal
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Evaluation of New Formulation of Major - andMicro-nutrient Fertilizer Mixture for Coconut


                                In order to assess the efficiency of refined formulation of major and micronutrient fertilizer mixture on coconut, a field experiment was conducted at Coconut Research Station, Veppankulam between 2009 and 2011. A refined formulation of major nutrients (NPK) on ratio basis and a new formulation of micronutrient mixture was developed and evaluated on Tall and Hybrid coconut for their efficacy. The refined major nutrients formulation on coconut proved it’s superiority by enhancing the yield attributes viz., no. of functional leaves, no. of buttons and ultimately the mean annual nut yield (141 and 157 nuts / palm in tall and hybrid coconut respectively). The TNAU formulation of micronutrient mixture enhanced the mean annual nut yield to the tune of 23.1 and 23.5 per cent (133 and 168 nuts / palm / year) in tall and hybrid coconut respectively over control (without MN mixture). The soil nutrient availability ie., major and micronutrients and their content in index leaf tissues were also enhanced significantly to the critical level due to application of respective nutrient mixture at balanced proportion.

Key words : Tall and hybrid coconut, fertilizer mixture, nutrient availability, yield attributes, nut yield.


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