Madras Agricultural Journal
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Performance of Rice Under Direct Seeding Using Drum Seeder During Kharif in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh


                                Sixty front line demonstrations were conducted on direct seeding in rice using 8 row drum seeder during kharif 2008 - 2010 consecutively for three years by RASS-Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Results of the demonstration revealed that the cost of cultivation was very low in direct seeded rice, Rs 25,160/- ha-1 than manually transplanted rice, Rs 31,422 ha-1. An amount of Rs 6,262 ha-1 was saved by adopting direct seeding method in rice using drum seeder. Average benefit cost ratio was more in the case of drum seeding method (2.21) than manual method of transplanting (1.67).

Key words : Rice, direct seeding, drum seeder, front line demonstration, grain yield, gross and net returns.


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