Author: ,
p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 1, Issue: apr-oct,
"The influence which the working of the Co-operative Credit Societies so far, has produced is great. Experience has been gained in managing societies-the ways to success and the causes of failure. Credit societies do not involve much risk. Agricultural societies require more careful nursing. A band of a dozen co- operators out of a total number of 200 in a Co-operative Society can work wonders if the dozen are prepared to work and not merely help in passing resolutions. It is from small beginnings that agricultural co-operative societies of large dimensions have sprung up in Germany and Ireland. In view of the resolutions passed by the Board of Agriculture and the statements made by responsible members of Government, official help will be largely given for the formation and financing of these societies and for the expert advice needed.
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