Madras Agricultural Journal
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REVIEWS - The Agriculturist, Madras


                                Rao Bahadur Dharmaranga Raju has writtin, in very easy Tamil articles on the work of the earthworms and bacteria in the October and November issues which will repay a perusal even by those who are well acquainted with these subjects, especially for the mamer of presenting these difficult scientific subjects to the lay public in a popular manner. The November issue gives a detailed account of the Agricultural College at Coimbatore, being the impressions of a genuine mirasdar and actual cultivator, Mr. Tirumalayappa Mudaliar of Vellagal, Tinnevelly District who, though well versed in Tamil, seems to know very little of the English language. Some of his suggestions are arrangements for giving lessons in theory and practice, on the preparation of agricultural products for the market, training of maistries to be employed broadcast to handle new implements and cultivation new crops and follow new and improved methods of cultivate, training of village munsiff's and curnams similar to the one in village manual and the training of village servants in farm work and imparting of agricultural instruction to village subordinates.

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