Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Students, past and present, of Mr. R. V. Subrania Aiyar, Engi- neering Assistant of the College, gave a delightful ei rtainment in the College Botanic Garden on 12th September 1913, sior to his going on a long well-earned furlough of 2 years, after a continuous service of over 22 years. Games and amusements were provided. Mr. Subra mania Aiyar, Artist, Government Entomologist's Office, entertain the audience with songs, mimicry, ventriloquism and shadowgra The guest of the evening was garlanded and a group photograph w taken. After refreshments, Mr. M. R. Ramaswami Sivan, as t oldest student of Mr. Subramania Aiyar, spoke, in a few words, abo the clearness of his teaching, his sense of good humour and the attach ment which his students had for him. Mr. K. Krishnamurti Ra referred to the unostentatious manner in which he had carried out socia reform in his family.

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