Madras Agricultural Journal
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Recent Observations in England.


                                Mr. R. C. Wood, Principal and President of the Students' Club, delivered an interesting address on "his recent observations in England" on 17th November 1913, with Mr. W. MacRae, Government Mycolo- gist in the chair. In his characteristic conversational style, Mr. Wood referred to the little troubles and inconveniences he experienced on his voyage home and the loss of some of his luggage by fire in the steamer, and to the fact of his having had to work as a cooly in a Norfolk Farm for a few days on account of shorthandedness of men at the time. He had opportunities, during the period of his stay, of seeing the East, South and West of England. A portion of the address referred to the subject treated of in the correspondence column of the last issue of the Journal in his letter, and the substance of the remain- ing portion of the address .

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