Madras Agricultural Journal
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Notes on well waters with special reference to Sugarcane Irrigation.


                                The ryot generally realises the importance of water for his crops. But little attention is usually paid to the matter whether the water he uses to irrigate his fields is suitable for the crop he grows. No doubt in extreme cases, he finds from experience that his irrigation water is unsuited for any particular crop and then tries another. Sometimes when the water is extremely saline, the fields irrigated with the same get in time so impregnated with saline matter as to render the field unfit for any crop. Under favourable conditions, as when there is good rainfall or when fresh water is available to wash away the accumulated salts, such lands improve in course of time. In cases, however, where such facilities do not exist, the land is rendered permanently unfit for cultivation, for example, some fields of Thekka theruvu near Madura. The present article deals with the irrigation waters with reference to salts injurious to plant growth and the tolerance which certain crops are known to show towards the saline constituents.

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