Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Board of Agriculture in India.


                                The eighth meeting of the Board of Agriculture in India was held at the Agricultural College, Coimbatore, from 8th to 13th December 1913, under the presidency of Mr. J. McKenna, I. C. S., acting Agricultural Adviser to the Government of India. A preli- minary meeting of the Deputy Directors of Agriculture from the various provinces was held on 5th and 6th instant, to discuss the kind of Agricultural education needed for Indian subordinates. The Hon'ble Sir J. N. Atkinson, I.C.S., K.C.S.I., Senior Member of H. E. the Governor's Council opened the Conference with a wel- come address to the members and visitors and Mr. McKenna, the President, gave a connected review of the progress of Agriculture in India since the inauguration of the departments of agriculture in general, and since the date of the last meeting in 1911 at Pusa. The subjects for consideration were referred to a number of sub-com- mittees and the recommendations of the sub-committees were considered in detail, and adopted, after discussion and modifica- tion, by the Board.

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