Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Madathupalayam is a hamlet situated to the north-west of Avanashi and is separated from it by a large area of cultivated land. As part of the Union, the village is entitled to the conveniences of roads, lighting and sanitary upkeep. The Avanashi tract has itself long been noted for its tobacco crop, and recently it has become the proud home of cambodia cotton under irrigation. An account of the village which is given below, epitomises the condi- tions of the inhabitants and the crops in this region. The extent of this hamlet is a little over 200 acres. The village is a level plain situated in a valley and enjoys fairly copious subterranean water supply. The place is characterised by the presence of red soils of shallow depth which are nowhere deeper than a foot, but are underlain by gravel of varying size, which facilitates free drainage. The shallow depth, however, is corrected by an annual dumping of tank silt, which is a regular feature of the preliminary cultivation of the lands.

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