Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                It is not necessary for us to impress on the readers the importance of milk as a human food. Though consumption of milk per capita, in this country, cannot be compared with that in Sweden, Denmark, England or America, general requirements are becoming gradually, but very slowly, higher. The increase in travel mainly due to the bus service which connects remote places has considerably increased the number of coffee shops and hotels. These eating places have in turn created a demand for a regular supply of milk. This demand, be it noted, is in addition to the usual demand in the cities, towns and villages for general daily household require- ments. Though there is a definite demand for milk, it is, however, to be regretted that there is no strong public opinion for the production of clean milk. When there is demand for milk there appear milk-vendors to satisfy this demand. From the point of view of milkmen as well as of the consumers the transaction depends mainly on costs. The producer wishes to sell his product at a small profit over the cost of production, while the consumer wishes to purchase his requirements at as low a price as possible. We decided to work out the cost of production of milk at Hosur and Madras in order to find out if the dairy industry in this presidency is really paying.

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