Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Organizations known as Agricultural Societies were in existence somewhere at the beginning of the 19th century. They were either State or regional societies and their object was primarily to improve agriculture. This they did by disseminating agricultural information through their publications and lectures and by promoting the formation of local organi- zations for people engaged and interested in agriculture. The societies held fairs, where animals were sold, agricultural products were exhibited for prizes, and addresses were made by prominent agriculturists and scientists who were invited to give lectures. A large number of county societies came into existence as a result of their labour. By about the second half of the 19th century State Boards of Agriculture were formed in several States (by legislature). These Boards superseded, and carried on the work done earlier by the above mentioned societies. In addition they held short courses at the County Agricultural College, advocated the formation of Farmers' Clubs and sent lecturers to them.

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