Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                The importance of humus or organic matter for the fertility of the soil cannot be overstated. It has been at the bottom of all our agricultural methods and practice. The presence of organic matter rectified most of the physical defects of the soil producing proper tilth and right conditions of acidity and temperature. It increases the capacity of the soil for retaining moisture, a point of very great value to hot and dry tracts that are so common in India. Besides itself offering plant nutrients in an available form, it provides the necessary, food and energy to the countless soil micro- organisms which bring about nitrification and other useful changes essential for the growth of the crop. The nature and the decomposition of soil organic matter is of primary importance to the Indian ryot since in his climate it disappears far more quickly than under milder climatic conditions. Most of the Indian soils are notorious indeed for their lack of organic matter.

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